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UPSC CSE interview 2023: Dos and don’ts to ace interview round

Preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) 2023 interview? Here are some invaluable tips from Syed Waquar Raza, an IPS officer, to help you excel in this crucial phase:


**1. Complete Your Detailed Application Form (DAF):** Your DAF contains essential personal and educational information, hobbies, service preferences, and more. Be meticulous when filling it out, as interview board members may ask questions based on your DAF. Research topics related to your choices, like regions and industries, and refresh your knowledge in your field of graduation/post-graduation.


**2. Stay Updated with Current Affairs:** The interview will involve questions on current issues and news. Follow at least two daily newspapers after the Mains examination and read in-depth articles related to politics, foreign affairs, science and technology, social issues, and other pertinent topics.


**3. Maintain a Positive Attitude:** Approach your preparation and the interview with a positive mindset. Instead of dwelling on challenges, focus on suggesting innovative solutions and measures to improve situations and systems. Your problem-solving approach will leave a positive impression on the board.


**4. Cultivate Unbiased Thinking and Integrity:** Develop a rational and unbiased way of thinking from the start of your preparation. Avoid showing bias towards or against any political party, community, or ideology. Uphold the values of the Indian Constitution and refrain from speaking against its provisions.


**5. Dress and Behave Appropriately:** Dress formally for the interview; men should wear a well-fitted suit, and women may opt for a sari or salwar-kameez. Keep your attire, makeup, and jewelry moderate. Maintain a respectful demeanor throughout the interview. If you don’t know an answer, admit it politely; there’s no need to guess or lie.


**6. Participate in Mock Interviews:** Attend as many mock interviews as possible to acclimatize yourself to the stress of the actual interview. Video recordings of mock interviews can help you identify areas for improvement.


**7. Ensure Adequate Rest and Prepare a Checklist:** The night before the interview, get a good night’s sleep. On the interview day, ensure your dress and documents are ready, and read the day’s newspapers carefully. Double-check the documents required for verification. Plan to arrive at the venue at least an hour early to account for any unforeseen delays.


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