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CUET UG 2023 Result: How are normalised marks allotted?

CUET UG 2023 Result: How are normalised marks allotted?


After the announcement, students can view their scores for CUET UG 2023 on the official CUET website, which is

CUET UG 2023 Result: Normalisation Process and Calculation

The results for the CUET UG 2023 exam are anticipated to be announced this week. The National Testing Agency (NTA), which conducts the exam, follows a normalisation process to allocate marks for this and other competitive exams it administers.


Understanding the Normalisation Process:

Since the CUET UG exam takes place on different dates and in various shifts across multiple exam centers, different sets of question papers are used for each subject. This poses a challenge for maintaining a consistent level of difficulty for all exams. To address this, the NTA employs a normalisation method to ensure that candidates are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged due to these variations.


Calculation of Normalised Scores:

To calculate the normalised score for CUET UG candidates, three variables are considered: the candidate’s raw score (A), the total number of candidates with scores equal to or lower than their raw score (B), and the total number of candidates in that particular session (C).

Example: Suppose a candidate scores 121 marks in a session with 41,326 other candidates. If their score surpasses 37,244 candidates in that session, their normalised percentile score would be 37,244/41,326 X 100, resulting in 90.1224411 percentile. Percentile scores are calculated up to seven decimal places.


Calculation of Normalised Raw Score:

The NTA arranges the candidates in descending order based on their percentile scores and associates their raw marks with the respective percentiles. Using a mathematical concept called linear interpolation, an additional metric called “interpolated mark” is determined for each candidate. This process assumes that every student took the same paper twice. The actual raw marks are then divided by the interpolated marks, resulting in the computation of normalised marks.

The normalisation process ensures fairness in assessing candidates’ performance, accounting for variations in difficulty levels across multiple sessions of the CUET UG exam.


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