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IISc and Synopsys Collaborate on Semiconductor Workforce Development Program



The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru has joined forces with Synopsys, the American electronic design automation company, to introduce the India Semiconductor Workforce Development Programme (ISWDP). This initiative is designed to tackle the workforce deficit in the semiconductor industry, a sector that plays a pivotal role in powering contemporary digital technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing.


The semiconductor sector in India is confronted with a shortage of over 5,000 engineers who possess fundamental and advanced skill sets, essential to meet the nation’s semiconductor growth goals. This shortage is not the sole issue; supply chain and manufacturing challenges further exacerbate the situation. Therefore, the training of more professionals in semiconductor development holds substantial benefits for numerous businesses and the nation as a whole.


**Key Highlights of ISWDP:**


ISWDP will feature a structured curriculum with four distinct levels, catering to both students and industry professionals. The program will encompass fundamental concepts and delve deeply into the development of devices and technology skills. Trainees will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a microelectronics laboratory and access cutting-edge research tools, as outlined in an official statement from IISc Bengaluru.


The program’s essential components comprise 2D/3D process and device simulations, semiconductor device fabrication, calibration, and training in experiment design and simulation. These elements are meticulously designed to address the varying complexities within the semiconductor industry.


Professor G Rangarajan, the director of IISc, underscored the institution’s dedication to nation-building and the significance of collaboration between academia and industry. He emphasized the importance of such partnerships and expressed enthusiasm for contributing to India’s semiconductor technology development and manufacturing leadership.


Raja Subramaniam, the country head and vice president of Applications Engineering at Synopsys India, recognized India’s potential in outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) and manufacturing technologies. He asserted that India is on the verge of becoming a significant player in outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) and manufacturing technologies, highlighting the nation’s growing capabilities in this sector.

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