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IIT Guwahati signs MoU with the Indian Council of World Affairs

The main objective of this MoU is to work together in pursuit of their goal of expanding awareness and knowledge on international affairs and Indian foreign policy.

On July 19, 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) and the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) with the primary objective of enhancing expertise in the fields of international affairs and foreign policy.


The MoU, which was signed by Professor Parameswar Krishnan Iyer, Officiating Director of IIT Guwahati, and Ambassador Vijay Thakur Singh, Director-General of ICWA, aims to foster collaboration in expanding awareness and knowledge about international affairs and Indian foreign policy. This partnership between the two esteemed institutions is set to be in effect for a period of three years.


During the signing ceremony, Professor Parameswar Krishnan Iyer underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing global challenges and opportunities in the context of today’s interconnected world. He emphasized that the joint venture between IIT Guwahati and ICWA marks a significant step forward in realizing the shared vision of “One Earth, One Family, One Future.”


The collaboration endeavors to achieve several outcomes, including the intellectual development of stakeholders in universities, academic institutions, industries, and other partners in Assam with regard to international affairs and Indian foreign policy. Moreover, both IIT Guwahati and ICWA will engage in joint studies on topics of mutual interest as part of their collaborative endeavors.


The Vice President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar, who also holds the position of the President of the Indian Council of World Affairs, announced this partnership during his address at the 25th Convocation of IIT Guwahati. The Vice President expressed his belief that this collaboration will provide the institute with valuable exposure to the world from a unique perspective.


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