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IIT Kanpur Signs MoU with Indian Institute of Skills (IIS) for Mentorship and Collaboration

In a significant development for skill development in India, IIT Kanpur and the Indian Institute of Skills (IIS) have formalized a memorandum of understanding (MoU) under the guidance of Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Education and Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The five-year collaboration entails IIT Kanpur mentoring IIS in various aspects.


According to the MoU, IIT Kanpur will play a key role in mentoring the establishment of laboratory infrastructure at IIS Kanpur. This includes formulating a course curriculum based on the laboratory system and offering joint certificate and diploma courses approved by both institutes. The collaboration also involves the creation of the Center for Deep-Skill Training and Research (CDSTAR) at IIT Kanpur, complementing the training provided at IIS Kanpur.


To enrich experiential learning and foster a fusion of skills and knowledge, CDSTAR at IIT Kanpur will house at least six deep-skill laboratories. These include the Noise and Vibration Lab (NVH), Advanced Control Systems Lab (ACSL), Advanced Robotics Lab (ARL), Semiconductor Packaging Lab (SPL), Medical Imaging Lab (MIL), and Drug and Pharma Lab (DPL).


Shri Dharmendra Pradhan emphasized the historic nature of this collaboration, where educational institutions, skilling organizations, and industry players like HAL India and Dassault Aircraft Services India come together to empower India’s youth. This effort aims to certify and future-proof the skills of Indian youth, marking a crucial chapter in the landscape of skill development.


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