Lucknow, September 24, 2023 – In a proactive measure to combat communicable diseases like Dengue, Malaria, and Chikungunya, the Uttar Pradesh government mandates students in council schools to wear full shirts and trousers as part of their school uniforms. This move aims to prevent the spread of diseases, with designated teachers overseeing compliance and on-site testing for symptomatic students.
Key Highlights:
- Uttar Pradesh government introduces a new dress code for students to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
- Students in council schools are now required to wear full shirts and trousers as part of their school uniforms.
- Designated teachers at each school will ensure the implementation of the new uniform policy.
- The decision follows a rise in cases of Dengue, Malaria, and Chikungunya in the state.
- Schools will conduct on-site testing for students displaying fever or related symptoms.
- Preventative measures include addressing water logging, maintaining hygiene, and mosquito control efforts.